8(a) Annual Compliance Services

8(a) Annual Compliance Services

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Acceptance into and continued participation in the 8(a) Business Development program comes with a number of requirements that must be complied with in order to remain in the program. The details of the compliance process are agreed to by the company in the Participation Agreement, which many companies find to be extremely vague, complex and lengthy. The Small Business Administration (SBA) terminates hundreds of firms each year from the program for non-compliance. Our 8(a) program compliance services are designed to ensure that you meet these requirements on a timely basis and that your company’s continued program participation is safeguarded.

Essential to the maintenance of your company's 8(a) certification, for the duration of the 9-year eligibility period, is the ability to meet sales targets and to be in full compliance with annual recertification's. We have found that providing ongoing expertise to our client firms has been a key factor in their successful retention within the 8(a) program.

Included Services

Ez8a will cover each of the following areas in its analysis of eligibility:
  • Business Plan
  • Size Standard
  • Excessive Withdraws
  • Owner Compensation
  • Minimum Labor
  • Non 8(a) Sales
  • Sole- Source Limits
  • Owner’s Adjusted Net Worth
  • Owners Total Assets
  • Other Termination Issues
Ez8a will provide you with a complete analysis of the above areas and develop an accurate picture of your current situation as well as provide a platform for projecting it forward. As part of this service Ez8a will provides any 8(a) related consulting needed until your next renewal and communicate the results with your ownership group as needed. It is typical for Ez8a to have quarterly meetings with the client and the client’s CPA to review and update the compliance areas and modify projections as needed. Ez8a will make recommendations on compensation. Most importantly we will project all nine areas of continued eligibility forward to make sure you are not just in compliance this year but, by implementing our recommendations, will remain in compliance throughout your 8(a) eligibility.
Fee: $3,500 Buy Now
Fee (Purchased with 8(a) Annual Review Services): $2,000 Buy Now
*For your convenience quarterly or annual billing is available.

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