GSA Schedule Optimization


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ImageYour firm has completed the hard work of getting your products on GSA Advantage. Now it’s time to gain an advantage over your competition in the federal marketplace by getting your products search optimized, so they are on one of the first pages of GSA Advantage. In most cases, we are able to optimize your product to the first page, or even the first listing, on GSA Advantage. We do this by assessing what search terms a government buyer is most likely to use when buying your product, and tailoring the listings and descriptions to utilize those keywords or phrases. The result is federal buyers are able to find your product early in their search, which generally ends their selection process. Our clients report a 15 -40% increase in sales due to this optimization.

Fee: $9.50 per product (minimum 5 products) Call Now
+Add on: Product Picture + $2.50 per listing Call Now

The tables below provide more information on GSA Advantage and our client's results:


Basic GSA Advantage Stats

Average Pages of Product Total Products (25 per page) Percentage of Products with Pictures
More than 10 More than 250 60%**

Past Clients GSA Advantage Listing Improvement

Trophy Search Terms Percentage
Page 1 90%
Page 2 5%
Page 3 3%
Page 4 or greater 2%
In short, through our optimization process we get 90% of our client’s products to Page 1, even though the average product has more than ten pages of results.

*GSA Advantage is a registered trademark of the U.S. General Services Administration and the federal government.

**Percentage of pictures on GSA Advantage estimated as a whole

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