SAM Renewal

SAM Renewal

Not updating your SAM registration places your organization at risk of delayed payment on existing contracts as well as the potential to be determined non-responsive on an existing bid/proposal. SAM registration is required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) for U.S. companies that hold or are ready to signs contracts with agencies of the federal government.

Ez8a’s staff includes SAM Registration Specialists to complete your entire SAM Renewal process from start to finish. Our goal is to remove the renewal function, as much as possible, from the list of activities that our clients must track and understand (regular program/process changes). Few companies have internal resources to become familiar with the 350 page SAM User’s Guide or key portions of the 2000+ pages of Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR).

The key renewal functions include

  • Validate/update all representations
  • Validate/update all certifications
  • Review/Modify NAICS codes
  • Update administrative and contact personnel
ImageWhile we have succeeded in renewing some clients in as few as 2 days, the general time frame for annual revalidation is between 3 -7 days. If you have a particularly complex situation, all the more reason to call us for a free consultation. Unlike the other companies in the SAM registration and renewal marketplace, ez8a does not require payment details in advance of being available to answer your general questions. If this is an emergency rush situation, please be sure to state the urgency when you call.

In businesses since 2004, we are one of the few consulting companies that offer SAM account services along with subject expertise across the host of socioeconomic certifications (federal & state) and GSA Schedules. Our partners and associates take pride in making themselves available to assist clients across the broad range of services that we offer as well as general government sector expertise. We have always been available to assist, at no charge, for the 10 -15 minute general question.
SAM renewal: $199.00 Buy Now
(Details regarding ORCA below)

Completion of ORCA (Online Representations and Certifications) in SAM is entirely optional. Accordingly, many companies do not complete this critical section until after being notified that a proposal they have submitted is deficient due to its omission. As this information is required to submit a compliant Proposal1, it is best practice to review and update your company’s ORCA data when going through the SAM renewal process. Ez8a's analysts are SAM subject matter experts and have helped hundreds of past and current clients in completing this necessary step to be considered for award of a federal contract.

Note: ORCA is a web-based system that standardizes and centralizes the collection, storage and viewing of the array of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) required Representations and Certifications (Reps & Certs). ORCA performs the basic function of legally guaranteeing that companies correctly represent themselves, do not to attempt to defraud, and in general follow all rules, regulations and laws of the United States federal government. While simple in its intent, the corresponding FAR text is in the hundreds of pages. As your companies Reps & Certs (ORCA) is a legally binding declaration made by your company to the federal government, it essential that you ensure that your Reps and Certs are correct.

The vast majority of solicitations will require an active registration in ORCA as a pre-condition to the submission of a proposal.

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